Urban Planning Projects (Special Urban Plans, Local Urban Planning Plans, Implementation Plans) are carried out on a local scale in parallel with other special-supporting studies (Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, Preliminary Geological Suitability Study, Temporary Boundary Studies, Transport Projects and Traffic Studies) and include:

  • Preparation of a preliminary study with application of the current institutional framework, specialization of overlying levels of spatial planning, collection/inventory and processing of existing spatial data.
  • Analysis and evaluation of spatial data in order to identify the spatial development trends and perspectives of the study area.
  • Formulation of spatial directions/arrangements, program sizes, rules and conditions for the use, construction and general exploitation of land, in the urban and rural area of the study area.
  • Support for public consultation procedures (opinions, posts, presentations, examination of objections).
  • Preparation of a final study incorporating the results of the consultation and finalizing the proposal.