ERATOSTHENES has undertaken a very large number of projects of great importance for the digital mapping of the entire Greek territory.

The company has participated in the aerial photography and production of 1:5.000 orthophoto maps, as well as in the production of a digital terrain model, and the update of the land cover archive CORINE (2000) with photointerpretation of satellite images. ERATOSTHENES also participated in the composition of the submission of candidacy for the Olympic Games of 2004.

Indicative GIS Projects

  • Creation of a Land Use / Cover Database for ELSTAT by Landsat Satellite Imagery Photointerpretation
  • Provision of aerial photography and production services of large-scale color digital orthophoto maps – LSO1 & LSO2
  • Remote Sensing Controls in the Area Subsidy Framework (2009 & 2010)
  • Athens Application File for the 2004 Summer Olympics
  • Digital Services for the Renovated Land Parcel Identification System
  • Integrated Geographic Information System (GIS) of the Municipality of Peristeri
  • Geographic information system for the management of urban data
    and fleet of vehicles of the Municipality of Megara